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Our Commitment to Customers During COVID-19

As COVID-19 (the coronavirus) continues to impact our communities, I want to personally update you on the steps we have taken to ensure business continuity for all our customers.

In these unprecedented times, where many organizations are making the shift to remote work (including our own), I want to reassure you that your data remains safe and secure.

Being a cloud-based SaaS company, you can rest assured that our operations will not be impacted. Our workforce is very accustomed to leveraging collaborative technologies to work outside of the office. As part of our business continuity planning, we have tested the ability of our systems and processes to handle all of our employees working remotely, and we are well equipped to maintain the high-quality customer service and support you have come to expect from us.

The health and safety of our employees, customers and partners are paramount. We have minimized employee travel, both international and domestic, and will conduct internal and external meetings virtually as much as possible.

This is an unprecedented time for everyone, and the situation is changing in real-time. We are committed to maintaining our business operations and ensuring you continue to receive the highest quality service without disruption.

As you can expect, even through difficult times, we continue to innovate. To help you fully leverage your collaborative technologies, while maintaining your security and business continuity, we have developed a Remote Employee view in our product. This new view provides full visibility to data risk across your remote workforce. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Code42 Customer Success Manager.

Thank you for your continued trust in Code42.

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