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Insider Risk: Keep Your Business Soaring

“So you’ve checked the plane, right?”
“You’ve made all 173 checks?”
“Er…Uh… Is that a bird over there or a…? Oh, never mind—it’s gone.”

You’re deflecting — the truth is you got bored somewhere around check #90. But everything will be fine, right? It always is.

“Ok, let’s go!”

The pilot starts the engine. Sounds good to you. And before you know it, you’re soaring through the air. Then soaring downwards slightly…then soaring straight into the runway, nose-first.

When you’re dealing with high stakes, it pays to check things properly — whether you’re a co-pilot or a cyber-security officer

The average Insider Risk incident costs a business $11 million1, and employees are 85% more likely today to leak files than they were pre-COVID2. So unlike our co-pilot friend, you’re unlikely to be complacent about searching your systems for anomalies, defects, and risks.

But what if you’re not able to monitor what you need? What if you can only check around half of the activity you need to keep your organization safe? What if your only choice is to ignore blindspots that leave you open to accidents and sabotage? That’s the reality for many organizations today — especially if they’re deploying an ad-hoc Insider Risk solution.

Ad-hoc solutions can often mitigate Insider Risk via continuous data monitoring and detecting if user activity violates a predefined policy. But they’re only as good as the policies they rely on, so they can easily be circumvented. Yours might even offer a comprehensive view of a user’s behavior or their application activity. But you’ll still lose sight of what they’re actually doing with data — and it’s the data you’re trying to protect.

Most ad-hoc solutions are also limited to cloud-based applications and services. This means you lose visibility over USB drives, airdrops, browser uploads, and sync app activity — requiring you to implement a second solution to oversee endpoint-based exfiltration.

In other words, ad-hoc solutions don’t give you the coverage you need. So even if you’re ultra-diligent, you have about as much chance of avoiding disaster as our co-pilot did. Instead, you need a holistic solution that’s designed specifically to check for and mitigate against Insider Risks. Something like Incydr.


Building vs Buying Your Insider Threat Solution

Incydr starts by monitoring for any file movement activity, without the need for security to define what’s acceptable or unacceptable by policy. From there, it filters out activity with corporate-sanctioned domains and prioritizes the risks that matter most using Incydr Risk Indicators (IRIs). This comprehensive approach makes deployment and management time minimal by removing the cumbersome rule creation and refinement process.

It also illuminates data security blindspots by showing activities that fly under the radar of other security technologies. Incydr covers vectors across laptops, email, cloud, and lots more. And as it’s one application, it pulls its findings together to give you a holistic view of data movement via a Risk Exposure Dashboard.

This company-wide view of Insider Risk can then be broken down into a per-user view of how data is being used, shared, and exposed. From here you can even navigate to a deeper Forensic Search and assign any notable activities to a Case.

It’s everything you need to protect your data against risk, and keep your business soaring through the air — upwards this time. For more information on how Code42 can help you manage Insider Risk, visit Incydr today.

1 Inside Jobs: Why Insider Risk Is the Biggest Cyber Threat You Can’t Ignore
2 2021 Data Exposure Report

Insider Threat Detection

Stop data theft without disrupting collaboration

Traditional security solutions are still letting insider threats slip through the cracks. See how Incydr™ provides insider threat protection for the modern enterprise.

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